Pattern dependency.
We do something now based on something that has been done before.
We don’t challenge it.
Because it’s “how it’s done”.
The modern QWERTY keyboard was developed based on the configuration of a typewriter.
When keys were used frequently on a typewriter they began to stick when pressed down.
If two commonly used keys were beside each other they would both get stuck.
Pressing one would often push both of them down together.
So they were separated to avoid stick.
That means the QWERTY configuration on modern computers is NOT the most efficient.
It’s just a configuration moved forward from an old idea/need.
I see this pattern in solopreneurs' businesses often.
Doing tasks and actions because it served them at one point in their journey.
Never considering if things need to be cut or changed.
This leaves them with a big task load of things that aren't moving the business forward.
Checking boxes to feel productive.
Let this email be your prompt to evaluate your current task list.
Follow this video training if it helps.